Untitled Coin Bank (Red, White and Blue Car)
Danna Ciaramitaro
Glazed ceramic
3.5x5.25x3.25 inches.
A non-functional glazed ceramic coin bank in the form of a car. Glazed red, white, blue with black. Details of the car’s body as well as depictions of the passengers are incised in the surface.
Danna Ciaramitaro
Glazed ceramic
3.5x5.25x3.25 inches.
A non-functional glazed ceramic coin bank in the form of a car. Glazed red, white, blue with black. Details of the car’s body as well as depictions of the passengers are incised in the surface.
Danna Ciaramitaro
Glazed ceramic
3.5x5.25x3.25 inches.
A non-functional glazed ceramic coin bank in the form of a car. Glazed red, white, blue with black. Details of the car’s body as well as depictions of the passengers are incised in the surface.