Untitled (Nude Woman Looking at a Bird)
Danna Ciaramitaro
Glazed ceramic
4x4.25x4.25 inches.
A miniature ceramic sculpture, glazed all in white, depicting a nude woman smiling down at a tiny bird on the ground in front of her. One hand appears to be lifting her breast and the other is resting on her belly.
Danna Ciaramitaro
Glazed ceramic
4x4.25x4.25 inches.
A miniature ceramic sculpture, glazed all in white, depicting a nude woman smiling down at a tiny bird on the ground in front of her. One hand appears to be lifting her breast and the other is resting on her belly.
Danna Ciaramitaro
Glazed ceramic
4x4.25x4.25 inches.
A miniature ceramic sculpture, glazed all in white, depicting a nude woman smiling down at a tiny bird on the ground in front of her. One hand appears to be lifting her breast and the other is resting on her belly.