Untitled (Standing Red Figure, Sad)


Danna Ciaramitaro
Glazed ceramic
4.5x2.5x3 inches.

A miniature roughly-modeled ceramic sculpture depicting a standing red figure with black hair, black nose and blue eyes, crying. The figure’s arms are bent at the elbow with both hands resting on it’s abdomen.

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Danna Ciaramitaro
Glazed ceramic
4.5x2.5x3 inches.

A miniature roughly-modeled ceramic sculpture depicting a standing red figure with black hair, black nose and blue eyes, crying. The figure’s arms are bent at the elbow with both hands resting on it’s abdomen.

Danna Ciaramitaro
Glazed ceramic
4.5x2.5x3 inches.

A miniature roughly-modeled ceramic sculpture depicting a standing red figure with black hair, black nose and blue eyes, crying. The figure’s arms are bent at the elbow with both hands resting on it’s abdomen.