Untitled (White Bird)
Danna Ciaramitaro
Glazed ceramic
2.25x4x2 inches.
A small ceramic sculpture, glazed all in white, depicting a bird looking down. The bird appears to be in its nest, possibly sitting on eggs or in the act of laying one.
Danna Ciaramitaro
Glazed ceramic
2.25x4x2 inches.
A small ceramic sculpture, glazed all in white, depicting a bird looking down. The bird appears to be in its nest, possibly sitting on eggs or in the act of laying one.
Danna Ciaramitaro
Glazed ceramic
2.25x4x2 inches.
A small ceramic sculpture, glazed all in white, depicting a bird looking down. The bird appears to be in its nest, possibly sitting on eggs or in the act of laying one.