Untitled (White Car With Red)


Danna Ciaramitaro
Glazed ceramic
2.25x3.25x2.75 inches.

A roughly-modeled, miniature glazed ceramic sculpture depicting a car atop slanted mound. The otherwise white body of the car has stray red glazing, suggestive of blood. The car’s parts are rendered in detail.
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Danna Ciaramitaro
Glazed ceramic
2.25x3.25x2.75 inches.

A roughly-modeled, miniature glazed ceramic sculpture depicting a car atop slanted mound. The otherwise white body of the car has stray red glazing, suggestive of blood. The car’s parts are rendered in detail.

Danna Ciaramitaro
Glazed ceramic
2.25x3.25x2.75 inches.

A roughly-modeled, miniature glazed ceramic sculpture depicting a car atop slanted mound. The otherwise white body of the car has stray red glazing, suggestive of blood. The car’s parts are rendered in detail.